A Look Ahead To 2021 A Look Ahead To 2021
Thought Leadership

Consumer Insights: A Look Ahead to 2021

Was ever there a year more longed for?

Yet only weeks into 2021, brands and businesses are knee deep in political, environmental and social conflicts. Combined with our own industry challenges it has never been a more interesting time to be in the world of advertising.

The need to look ahead and make sense of the cultural changes impacting business and communication has never been so vital and interesting! The Starcom team have outlined five new tensions that brands will need to consider as we progress through 2021.

The overarching theme of 2021 that reflects the interconnected nature of these trends is surely bravery. The radically changing business landscape, alongside changing consumer behaviour and values, mean that brands must bravely take tough decisions, support each other and be prepared to think differently.

Download our latest consumer insights report, "A Look Ahead to 2021" here

For more information and detail on any of our trends, or to start discussing how these could impact your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Market: United Kingdom